I’ll save you the research. I was an average basketball player at best.

Don’t get me wrong. I worked my butt off to be a great player.
I went through three workouts a day every summer from high school through college.
I had all the confidence in the world in an empty gym by myself.
But when games rolled around, I froze.

I was terrified to mess up.

I wanted it so bad.
I had worked so hard.
Why didn’t it translate to the games?
What was wrong with me?

You can laugh and make jokes about me having popcorn fingers or the lights being too bright.
I said all the same things to myself.
What else was I supposed to believe? No one had a better answer.
You either got it or you don’t, they said.
And I didn’t.

I believed the lies…

Until I made it to the NBA.

After my playing career, I applied that same work ethic to becoming a coach.
I worked three jobs and lived in the back of a barber shop while earning a Master’s degree.
I sacrificed relationships, hobbies, and holidays all for the sake of climbing the ladder.

And it worked!

I became a coach in the NBA!

For 12 consecutive years I added responsibilities, got a raise, or received a promotion. I climbed the ranks and became a development coach for the Phoenix Suns and eventually the head coach of their minor league affiliate. I flew on charter jets, rode in Floyd Mayweather’s car, shot hoops with Garth Brooks, and went bowling with Chris Paul.

I worked with the best basketball players on the planet and some of the best athletes in the world.
And many of them were searching for answers to the same questions I had:

“How do I make all that hard work pay off when it matters most?”
”All that sacrifice…is it worth it?”
”The stress, the grind, there has to be a better way, right?”

What I eventually realized is those questions weren’t answered with just more hours in the gym.
New ball handling drills and adjustments to their shooting form didn’t provide the satisfaction they were looking for.

The answers to the questions they were asking were discovered with a tool that no one was paying attention to.

They were found by tapping into the power of the mind.

This realization led me on a path of study, experimentation, and application of how the mind impacts every aspect of our lives.
It made me re-order my priorities with regards to development, leadership, and self-care. It became the launchpad to ignite motivation, the trigger to accelerate growth, and my own customized source of insight and wisdom.

And now I offer it to you.
So you can experience the same euphoric hope I did when I finally realized elite performance is not reserved for a chosen few.
You can climb the ladder without destroying yourself and everything else around you in the process.

You don’t have to stand in awe of your heroes any more.
You can become one of them yourself.

And everything you need to get there is already inside of you.

There is nothing more powerful than a relaxed and harnessed mind. Your ability to tap into that mindset will be the difference maker in your leadership and performance and I can help you access it.